Online Board Meetings Benefits

Online Board Meetings Benefits

With a lot of data management companies shifting to working from home as a permanent measure following the pandemic, teleconferences have become more common than ever. Virtual meetings are practical however there are some issues to be considered.

Participation is less than usual: Some attendees may be intimidated by a remote meeting at first, because they’re not used to communicating online. This can result in an inability to participate in the meeting. This could hinder the board’s progress and delay the agenda.

It can also be difficult to read body language and facial expressions in a virtual chat, which can lead to confusions. A lack of eye contact could also cause some directors to feel less at ease and listeners who are passive. This is not ideal for an executive board.

The board portal could be used to solve these problems. A board management tool with video conferencing that is secure, for example, makes it easy to record and store important documents. Directors can then access the documents and minutes anytime, on any device, even prior to the next meeting.

It is also a great idea to ensure that the room is spotless and free of distractions. The meeting shouldn’t be held during mealtimes, and everyone is encouraged to muffle their phones when they are not talking in order to minimize background noise. The chair should have the ability to look over the attendees and guide participants to only use their microphones when needed.

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